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Amber Robinson

Amber Robinson

New york times bilingual


































A few weeks before the election in 2016, a woman at a Walmart parking lot in Manor, Tex.If you go back one generation, you?ll hear stories of people like my in-laws, whose teachers in Florida beat them for speaking in school the language they spoke at home.In a town that?s nearly 50 percent Latinx, none of the police officers on site could understand her.One day you?ll thank me, my mother retorted.I used to think that being bilingual is what made me a writer, but more and more I see it?s deeper than that.On videos circulating on social media you?ll hear Americans harassing Spanish-speakers at supermarkets and restaurants.And those of us who speak only Spanish are too often dismissed and worse, targeted.Those of us who managed to hold on to it, despite the pressures to assimilate, know that our imperfect Spanish is a privilege we are often shamed for both inside and outside of our communities. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>
















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And countries like Qatar are at the forefront of giving its children this advantage.The New York Times Company NYTCo Contact Us Work with us Advertise T Brand Studio Your Ad Choices Privacy Terms of Service Terms of Sale Site Map Help Subscriptions



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Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage? | The New Yorker

They report on studies that they are running, initial results, initial thoughts.The bilingual advantage may not appear in the exact guise researchers think of it today. ?We thought, Maybe the existing literature is not a full, reliable picture of this field,? she said.If there were?a systematic bias in the field against reporting negative results?that is, results that show no effects of bilingualism?then there should be many more findings of that sort presented at conferences than actually become published.But when the researchers dug deeper, they found that it wasn?t so much a case of switching faster as it was?being slower at the non-switch trials, where shape followed shape and color followed color.The true edge, de Bruin believes, may come far later, and in a form that has little to do with task-switching and executive control; it may, she says, be the result of simple learning. Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage.

new york times bilingual
Image source: le-mot-juste-en-anglais.typepad.com/.a/6a010535f04dfe970b01b8d0f147f9970c-600wi

But the social advantage we have identified appears to emerge from merely being raised in an environment in which multiple languages are experienced, not from being bilingual per se.When the adult asked the baby for ?the banana.Interpreting someone?s utterance often requires attending not just to its content, but also to the surrounding context.Of course, becoming fully bilingual or multilingual is not always easy or possible for everyone.Interestingly, we also found that children who were effectively monolingual yet regularly exposed to another language.Advertisement Continue reading the main story Site Index Go to Home Page.You might wonder whether our findings could be explained as just another instance of the greater cognitive skills that bilingual children have been observed to have.We took a group of children in the United States, ages 4 to 6, from different linguistic backgrounds, and presented them with a situation in which they had to consider someone else?s perspective to understand her meaning.

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Why Bilingualism

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For most of their lives, bilinguals might not show any real benefits. The true edge may come far later?in helping with the aging brain.

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